
Well 2009 has been a amazing year! =)

So many wonderful things had happened.

Well I'm gonna miss 2009!

Well I just wanna wish you guys

Happy New Year


All the best!


My wish for you all,

Is that this life becomes all that you've wanted

That your Dream Stay Big

Worries stay small,

Never need to carry more than you can hold.=)

Cant wait for camporama! =)

New chapter of life

Heyy! =)
Wow... Time past so fast, Year 2009 is going to be history.
Sometimes when I lie on my comfy sofa to get some rest,
When I opened my eyes *BOMB* few hours have gone by.
Time past in a blink of an eye,
That terrifying.
So we must appreciate every hour, every minute and every second of the day.

*PIAK* JenYee Wake up! Get to ur story! =)
Okay. Going to my story....

Wow. Time past really fast.
I can't believe I'm going to High School!
I mean its so scary! =)
Its like going back to Primary One, First day of school,
So scary!!!!

Anywayss... Went to Professor in SS2 to get my new uniform...
Oh man! I look like Alice in the wonderland hahhaha..
Its quite cute.. ahhahah

I'm so not ready to go to school next year.
I don't wanna grow up!
I'm still in my holiday mood!!
I don't wanna go to school!! =)
Agreed? =)

Anyways! meRRy CHRISTmas guys! :-) hope same class with Sophia next year! =)
Oh ya!! =) Yenting is not going to Singapore... She is going Catholic.

Youth christmas party and the carolers....

Hi guys Merry Christmas! it's still 5 more days till X'mas but we[the youth] decided to put the parteh earlier.we had the parteh at my church.I wish you all were there to join in the fun.We played a very fun game called Zip-bop-BANG [this game is always played in my church's youth camp, it is soooo FUN!!]after that we sang some songs and then guess what ....PRESENT TIME!! we bought gifts to exchange with each other.We then spent the time taking crazy photos with friends until it was 12o'clock! whoa! that's early XD I had a wonderful time there but you see....the thing was that you weren't there (my bad for not inviting all of you)....

Last Saturday,my church carolers(that includes me)went from house to house singing Christmas carols like silent night,Drummer boy and a song composed by a guy.....We didn't get to eat the delicious food everytime we were in house singing because when it was time for us to relax n enjoy some chocolate cookies, we had to go to another house to sing again n again!until we reached the last house,we finally got to eat lok-lok (hope u guys know what it means..)Well,it all ended at 12:30a.m. I just want to tell you all one last thing ....MERRY CHRISTMAS!! :) sophia