Hey yal! :)
Wow. Time past really really fast! :)
Its already end of the month! :)
Well today its a Friday!
Which mean?
Today got CF Wooo!
Today CF was awesome! (As always)
Went to school really early today.
Saw Kaelynne appeared in no where.
Talked to her in the canteen...
Saw Sophia and gang.
Then off we went to CF :)
Once we reached there,
the morning session students were setting up the instruments and stuff,
saw people chilling, chit-chatting. :)
Then saw Pn. Julie coming,
Kaelynne and I was like Oh my Gosh! =)
Pn. Julie is really scary. Surprisingly in CF she seems to be superb friendly.
-A totally different person-
Pn. Julie was shaking people's hand, greeting people.
-So nice-
Then CF started.
Everyone came into the classroom.
We played ice-breaker.
Then we started worshiping and praising the Lord.
Its really amazing. I could feel God's presence there. It was just totally AWESOME!
Actually words can't really express my feelings. :)
Then It was testimony time! :)
Everyone was so quiet,
but a few people were really brave to go out and share there testimony. :-)
Then Pn. Julie came and share the bible with us.
Today's topic is 'Love makes a decision'
Well its really true,
Love do make a decision.
Jesus died on the cross not because of nails, but His LOVE for us.
Anyways, after that Pn. Julie dismiss the Form 1 + Form 2.
Then off we went for class! :) hahas

JEN <3>

Hey people! the second week of school is over.Eventhough jen and I are not in the same class,we still meet with each other like everyday.we have alot of homework now,so there's no time to go online for me lar but not like my other friends...
Yesterday, Rebekah,my friends and I went to the christian fellowship,cf for short.Too bad jen went to interview for the librarian job.Edward chia was there too!!We sang songs and there was a short skit for the new comers.Then there was a short sermon and then we went to the canteen to take our bags and go to class.I tell you, it was totally awesome like jen said when we were still in Yuk chai.I definitely want to join the cf camp at genting!XD
Yesterday was also the day to register for clubs and unit beruniform.Jen and i joined cf and red crecent.I think that i am going to really like this school.So how are you guys like huey zhen,hui ping ,yee ching and vivian doing in school? tell me about it because I got a handphone!:) soph
Hello people ! Really missing Yuk Chai and all the friends there , so sad >_< ..... My first week at Catholic was ok ( but it would have been great if more friends were there ) , already met a few new friends and some old ones . My first day was very boring . Almost all the teachers didn't come so all the people started introducing themselves , sorry to say this but all the people there look really nerdy .

Have I told you that Catholic is really strict ? Its like , no low socks , no low pants , short hair cannot exceed to collar , long hair must be pinned up neatly ..... Alot of crap to me . The worst part is that before we enter the class , we have to wait for the teacher to come before we're allowed to go in . All the teachers take about 5-10 minutes to come so we're all standing there with our heavy heavy bags waiting for the teachers to come . Sooner or later we're all gonna be like hunchback of the notra dame or something like that .

The other interesting thing that happened was I finally moved to the new house ! So cool . But the renovations aren't finished yet so its quite dusty . If you guys are free come visit =) OK bye for now . Got alot of homework not finished . Bye !

First Day of School...

Hellow! =)
Well today it was first day of school.

So first day,
My Dad took me to school.
Because he has work to do so he could not join the orientation Day.
So he dropped me in school and left for work.
So I walked into school alone.
I felt so awkward.
cause most of the people are walking with their parents or friends.
So I make my way to the hall.
I saw many students crowding the whiteboard to see what class their in,
So I squeeeeeezeed in to see what class I'm in =) hahha
I was looking HIGH and LOW for my name.
Saw Soph's name... but I wasnt in the same class as her. How sad.
She is in 1Angsana.
I'm in 1Bunga Raya with Jia Wei, Eunice, YiHua, Catarine, Xinhui... So I was relief. =)
So went in to the Hall.. I was sorta late.
Saw JiaWei, Elaine, Ally was calling me...
They saved a seat for me

(crowd goes :" Awwww... ") hahahha
Then we ACTED like we listen to what the VIP people talking on stage hahaha..
Then I turned around, I saw my mom in the back of the hall.
Opps.. I forgot. She told me she was gonna meet me in the school.
Oh Well, So I saw her hhaha...
first thing she sees me she say :" Eh, Stand Straight larh! " hahah..
Then the discipline teacher ask us to line up and go to our classes.
Then said bye to my mom.. hahahha.... she went to the sort off called book store in my school to get the school badge and stuff like that. hhahaha

So We went to our class... We have the freedom to choose our own space.
hahah. thats the best part.
I sat with JiaWei.
hahahah.. so cool.! =)

TTYL!! =) Chiao! =)
Jen!! Advancement Camp!!
26 Febuary! Woohooo!!1

Form 1 ( I'm freakin' out !! )

Hey guyz ! Happy New year ppl ! Jen yee, Yen ting and I are going to Form 1 this year . Jen yee and I are going to SMK Taman SEA but our dear bestie,Yen ting is going to catholic high. Don't leave us! boo hoo hoo :( but you know what ? We are still the most amazing, wonderful , fabulous, AWESOME TRIO BESTIES no matter what happens.Right besties? soph (remember mua!) and one more thing .....(I will miss you yen ting very much !! (Muax!) XD