Mysterious or Freaky?

Hey guys.. This is the freakiest and mysterious week in my life!! Seriously!!

Well it all started like this...:
On Monday, we came back from assembly... I found out my mechanical pencil was gone! ( Its orange in colour..If foud please return!) Well its okay, cuz its already old, but I want it back... hehe.. Well I thought someone was just playing around, so didn't really care about it.. On the same day, after recess, Yen and I went to class together, Soph went for some singing stuff (she has a really awesome voice)... I found that my precious shaker was gone! At this moment I was really angry, cuz all my things are starting to disappear. I told Yen immediately ( It take me a few seconds to tell Yen everything.. cuz she is sitting in front of me... hehe) Well I checked my whole back, I asked Yen to check hers, but we found nothing. *SADNESS* I decided to check Sophia's pencil box... (It took me a few seconds too, cuz she is sitting next to me xD) Truely enough, it was in Soph's pencil box..I didn't get angry cuz I trust Soph, cuz u know, we're BESTIES!! Yen and I predict that someone might wanna frame Sophia... get wat I mean? Well its okay. But few minutes later, Yen turned around and told me that her pencil was missing. We straight look at Soph's desk.. Guess what! It was really there!! FREAAAAKY!!! We wanted to tell teacher, but no guts! and teacher might not trust us... So we tried to forget all about it... After school, we told Hui Ping about this, cuz she is like one our SISTAH!

Second day, Tuesday, I went to school as usual. Nothing was missing. But after recess, mystrious & freaky stuff starts to happen!! This time, my pencil box was missng. And again in Soph's desk! The next thing was Yen's ruler, and again Soph's desk. After that, we found a prefect tie in Soph's desk, but didn't know whom it belongs too. <> When teacher wants us to do something, my SHAKER was missing AGAIN!!! this time it wasn't in Soph's desk, Its with Hui Ping. Hui Ping has the exact same shaker as me, but I have my name on it, so I proved that its mine. Well Hui Ping is a really good friend and sistah, she wont steal my stuff, cuz she is RICH... so I didn't blame her.... The freakyness gets worst.. Soph and I purposely put one of our pen on the table and left for the Science lab. When we came back.. mine was GONE! but Soph's pen was save.... FREAKYNESS!!! We looked in Hui Ping desk! Fuyoh! It was in her desk! Scary!!!! * I want my mommmmmmmmy*

There's still a long way.. gotta go adi, so to be continued!!.... But ....:::We suspected some people, and we know who is it! And we're not afraid! hehe... If its one of the viewers... better be careful hehe... DOnt forget to leave a comment! =)

*The I was JeN

1 comment:

  1. im not glad those things are not happening for now...
