
Date: 29 Agust 2009
Venue: Bukit Gasing
As you can see above
Its a Bukit again!! haha.. I went with Rangers to Bukit Gasing for training because we are going for a major hike.
Here is some information bout that major hike!
Date: 12 September 2009
Venue: Gunnung Datuk, Negeri Sembilan
Estimate time reaching destination: 8.30a.m.
Estimate time start hiking: 9.00a.m. (need to warm up & freak out) :D

Well, cmdr said that this hike is not going to be very easy, so we gotta go for training and stuff.. The Gunnung Datuk is like a thousand feet high!!! OMG!!! No flat grounds! Can you believe it?? its crazy I tell you!

This morning I woke up around 7 am.. ate breakfast (1 and a half piece of bread) and went to church... Then we gathered together. I found out that only THREE BOYS were going!! haha... Gurls aroung TEN!!! Gurl Power!!! So we sat in the van and off we go!!

When we reached, we put out bags down and started to stretch... ... ... ...

Then we started climbing!! whooooo`~~~ There were quit alot of people there too. I greeted all of them xD... I love to greet people.

After few hours, we finished the climb. then we went to makan... ( ROTI CANAI )
then we went home..
( sorry.. not that detail. I am tired to write.. :D ) taking a nap now..

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