School's out !!!!!!!

Hurray ! We are having a 1 week holiday because of the Malay festive season . So totally cool . Some people went to their home town ; some people just stayed at home ; some people went totally crazy over the 'Ding Dong Chiang' as Madam Lai called it . Jen was also freaking out ..... As usual because she is the leader and every one expects alot from her .

So I went to my grand mother's house to pass the holidays . And then , my cousins came . So totally not cool . Whenever they come , some thing in the house gets broken and I get blamed for it . If they came here , they must be up to no good . When I asked them what were they doing here , they said they wanted to invite me to go fishing with them . OK , totally unexpected but I agreed .

So after we bought some worms and grasshoppers as bait , we set out to go fishing . We reached the lake and we saw plenty of people fishing there too . We were so enthusiastic that we were jumping and yelling like crazy idiots . No kidding , we might have been on tomorrow's newspapers headline . And then came to the disgusting part . The putting-bait-on-the-fishrod part . It was really disgusting , after piercing the worm , seeing the yellowish goo come out .

But other else than that , the fishing trip was quite fun . Together , we caught about 20 fishes . Cool huh ? But then all good things must come to an end . The rain just had to spoil all the fun . Well , not all of it , we had a hell of a time getting soaked through with the rain . So , my uncle's car was extremely wet . But I don't think he cared .

So that was the end of a funtastic day .

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