First Day of School...

Hellow! =)
Well today it was first day of school.

So first day,
My Dad took me to school.
Because he has work to do so he could not join the orientation Day.
So he dropped me in school and left for work.
So I walked into school alone.
I felt so awkward.
cause most of the people are walking with their parents or friends.
So I make my way to the hall.
I saw many students crowding the whiteboard to see what class their in,
So I squeeeeeezeed in to see what class I'm in =) hahha
I was looking HIGH and LOW for my name.
Saw Soph's name... but I wasnt in the same class as her. How sad.
She is in 1Angsana.
I'm in 1Bunga Raya with Jia Wei, Eunice, YiHua, Catarine, Xinhui... So I was relief. =)
So went in to the Hall.. I was sorta late.
Saw JiaWei, Elaine, Ally was calling me...
They saved a seat for me

(crowd goes :" Awwww... ") hahahha
Then we ACTED like we listen to what the VIP people talking on stage hahaha..
Then I turned around, I saw my mom in the back of the hall.
Opps.. I forgot. She told me she was gonna meet me in the school.
Oh Well, So I saw her hhaha...
first thing she sees me she say :" Eh, Stand Straight larh! " hahah..
Then the discipline teacher ask us to line up and go to our classes.
Then said bye to my mom.. hahahha.... she went to the sort off called book store in my school to get the school badge and stuff like that. hhahaha

So We went to our class... We have the freedom to choose our own space.
hahah. thats the best part.
I sat with JiaWei.
hahahah.. so cool.! =)

TTYL!! =) Chiao! =)
Jen!! Advancement Camp!!
26 Febuary! Woohooo!!1

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