(ps: this is a random topic to talk about) When my buddies created this blog, I didn't know what to write at first yet i was very excited about it. I started to type about the stuff i did during the holidays, after school, and usually my lifestyle.

I was getting kind of bored after a month or two. I didn't really sat in front of the computer that much anymore.................................................................
but when I was form 2, i got kinda excited about it again! But this time allot about the way I type and posted on this blog changed completely
I started to post about teenage life, what I think about life, friends, feelings and many more
My friends were also doing much more better than me. I am proud of them....
I now not only think that blogs are awesome, that it is an inspiration to me over the months.
I really am thankful to Yen and Jen for giving the idea of creating blog for the three of us

So to all the people who have a blog
Start having a different way of posting stuff
try something new and maybe you may actually like it

To all blogless people
Have one! It is one thing you will never regret....(:

Guess who?

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