Jen Went Hiking With RANGERS!!

Hey viewers.... I << Jen
Venue: Bukit Tabur,Ampang
Time left church:7.45
Time reached peck:9.45
Time reached land: 11.15 is a saturday.. but i can't sleep late.. I woke up at 6 got ready and went to church cause today i am going hiking with RANGERS!! Well as shown above, we went Bukit Tabur to hike. It is somewhere near Zoo Negara. Its a really high hill but when you are climbing it you wont feel anything.

Well the hill is very beautiful. We have to climb up and down. It was really fun climbing up and going dont wanna know xD!!!

Well we stopped many times to rest and get some more energy. While climbing up theres this really huge dam... It doesn't looks like any other river in Malysia. Its super clear and you can see the colour is blue. How AMAZING is that! We kept on climbing up... Soon we could see Genting, imagine how high is this hill. When we reached the peck we could see KLCC and KL Tower. Wow, its like i am in heaven.....

Then we went down the hill. It was really really scary.. I slipped many times, cuz my shoe no more grip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh ya! When i was climbing up Debbie accidentally hit my face with the shoe... hahahhaah.... *Ouch*!!!

We took longer time to come down, cuz u know its scary and really slippery with my no grip shoe. After we reached ground we needed to change.... You know how me change??? Some ppl sit in the van and change while the rest used towel to block the windows... I changed as fast as i could.hahaah...

After that we went to the nearby mamak stall to eat. I ate 1 and a half roti canai. ( I shared the other half with Debbie.. ) I was really hungry after the hike. Not to mention tired too... haha...

I really really liked this hiking trip. I want to go hike again!!!! Bukit Tabur, I will hike u another day! =)

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