Visit to Port Dickson with family

On Saturday morning , my family and I set out to Port Dickson to chill out . By the time we reached Port Dickson , it was noon .My father had rented a house near the beach .My cousins and I were excited when we discovered the house had a swimming pool inside it(Awesome right?).We took a swim in the pool after a delicious lunch served by the house owner.

In the evening , we went to the beach to catch some fish , prawns and crabs .My cousin Brendan found a large crab . Unfortunately , he was stupid enough to touch the crab which led to a bleeding finger .

After dinner , the whole family went for a relaxing walk on the beach . It was just our luck that we saw a turtle coming ashore . My father told everybody to stay quiet ad still .As we had never seen a turtle lay eggs before , we stayed extremely still . After the turtle had dug a hole , we silently approached the turtle . My uncle took out a video camera to film the progress of the turtle laying eggs . After the turtle had finished laying eggs , it made a sandstorm that blinded everyone momentarily . We went back to the house to rest as all of us were extremely exhausted and sleepy .And my slightly crazy cousin took off his clothes and ran around naked(gross right?)which wasn't really amusing to the adults .

So , that's all for one fun day at Port Dickson . Everyone had enjoyed themselves as it was fun and the whole family was together . << Yen

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