Mysterious or Freaky?

Hey guys.. This is the freakiest and mysterious week in my life!! Seriously!!

Well it all started like this...:
On Monday, we came back from assembly... I found out my mechanical pencil was gone! ( Its orange in colour..If foud please return!) Well its okay, cuz its already old, but I want it back... hehe.. Well I thought someone was just playing around, so didn't really care about it.. On the same day, after recess, Yen and I went to class together, Soph went for some singing stuff (she has a really awesome voice)... I found that my precious shaker was gone! At this moment I was really angry, cuz all my things are starting to disappear. I told Yen immediately ( It take me a few seconds to tell Yen everything.. cuz she is sitting in front of me... hehe) Well I checked my whole back, I asked Yen to check hers, but we found nothing. *SADNESS* I decided to check Sophia's pencil box... (It took me a few seconds too, cuz she is sitting next to me xD) Truely enough, it was in Soph's pencil box..I didn't get angry cuz I trust Soph, cuz u know, we're BESTIES!! Yen and I predict that someone might wanna frame Sophia... get wat I mean? Well its okay. But few minutes later, Yen turned around and told me that her pencil was missing. We straight look at Soph's desk.. Guess what! It was really there!! FREAAAAKY!!! We wanted to tell teacher, but no guts! and teacher might not trust us... So we tried to forget all about it... After school, we told Hui Ping about this, cuz she is like one our SISTAH!

Second day, Tuesday, I went to school as usual. Nothing was missing. But after recess, mystrious & freaky stuff starts to happen!! This time, my pencil box was missng. And again in Soph's desk! The next thing was Yen's ruler, and again Soph's desk. After that, we found a prefect tie in Soph's desk, but didn't know whom it belongs too. <> When teacher wants us to do something, my SHAKER was missing AGAIN!!! this time it wasn't in Soph's desk, Its with Hui Ping. Hui Ping has the exact same shaker as me, but I have my name on it, so I proved that its mine. Well Hui Ping is a really good friend and sistah, she wont steal my stuff, cuz she is RICH... so I didn't blame her.... The freakyness gets worst.. Soph and I purposely put one of our pen on the table and left for the Science lab. When we came back.. mine was GONE! but Soph's pen was save.... FREAKYNESS!!! We looked in Hui Ping desk! Fuyoh! It was in her desk! Scary!!!! * I want my mommmmmmmmy*

There's still a long way.. gotta go adi, so to be continued!!.... But ....:::We suspected some people, and we know who is it! And we're not afraid! hehe... If its one of the viewers... better be careful hehe... DOnt forget to leave a comment! =)

*The I was JeN

It's our SISTER'S birthday!

Hey viewers , have you wished Yee Ching happy burfday yet ? Because if you haven't , i am going to kill you !( Just kidding lah) But seriously ,just wish her happy birthday .

On Tuesday morning , we wished happy burfday to Yee Ching . Actually we planned to tell our teacher to give her a surprise . But unfortunately , Jen did not have the guts to follow me to tell teacher (but she got the guts to tell on my birthday!) . So we could not help her celebrate her burfday . But , anyway we thought she looked quite happy (Emphasis on quite ) .

So any guys out there , remember she's single . You might just give her a birthday kiss she may never forget (Just kidding , sis ) ! YEN

Did You Forget???

Hey guys....

You didn't forget what day is ( 16/04/09) right? Well that day is Yen's Burfday!! hahah... You guys didn't forget right? I hope you didn't.. If not Yen is gonna kill you!! LOL....

On that day Soph and I planned how to give this tough gurl a surprise( Its not really a surprise la....) We planned the plan with Huey Zhen, my school sister>> Yee Ching, Jia Xin, Emaline and lots more... ehehhe.. We planned t0 tell our music teacher, cuz he's the nicest one I think..hahah... and we wanna ask a guy to play the piano for her....kekeke...

So when she came, everybody was like Happy Birthday here , Happy Birthday there... .hahah We can see Yen blushing..ehhehee... Soph and I gave Yen our presents. Soph gave Yen an awesome card... I gave her a friendship band and a letter... Well when she opened the presents, she said she was about to cry but i don know wheather is true.....Well gotta ask her propely..

On Music period....We told teacher about this... .Soph and I were freaking out.. We kept on Begging teacher to sing the birthday song... Yen was like GRRR....AAHHHHHHH...... Well we did not care... We kept on begging... Teacher got fed up and say OKAY!! Then we sang the birthday song... I shouted WOOHOO... Soph shouted too :) ( Thats the time you can see soph freak out... hahah Sry soph) Teacher also ask a boy to play the piano just for Yen ** ROMANTIC TIME *** hahah.. Yen blushing again... heheh



*Plus if yal haven wish yen happy birthday, quickly go wish her before she kills u.... :D ( Just kidding bout the killing part.. )

Happy Birthday Teacher Chow!

On Friday was our teacher's birthday so we decided to help her celebrate her birthday .After weeks of planning , we finally finish planning everything . On Friday morning , the whole class came to school early to prepare everything . When our teacher came into the class ,Hann Jane switched off the lights to set everything off nicely . Unfortunately , the lights from the hallway illuminated the class so even if switched off the lights the teacher could see what we were doing . Anyway , I brought the cake to Teacher Chow's table and Jen lit the candle . Meanwhile , Sophia , Huey Zhen and a whole bunch of other kids lined up to give the presents to Teacher .

Even though Teacher did not look delighted , we were still glad everything was going smoothly . After Techer blowe the candles , she cut the first slice of cake while Huey Zhen cut the rest of the cake for the rest of the class . Jen admitted she saw a flicker of happyness when we brought her the presents . So , we were very happy when we heard that . On behalf of last year's 5I and this years 6I , we wish Teacher Chow a happy belated birthday !YEN

Easter day!

Last Saturday, I attended my church easter party.there were alot of people and food.First, we saw a skit .Iwas part of the skit.At first, Iwas scared but then I remembered what Jen and Yen said:Don't be such a scaredy cat!(just kidding!)anyway after that ,we made flowers out of coloured paper.Then, we went up for some snack .I ate as hungry as a wolf because the food was delicious!!At last, we were to break the pinatas.This was the first time I saw a pinata.At 5'oclock, the party ended (sooo sad!)Ihope we can celebrate Easter together next year!

Mysterious Poop ?

Lately , my Grandmother has discovered a lot of poop in our backyard . She was getting fed up about having to clean up all the stinky poop . So , I did some investigations and I found out that our neighbour's dog was coming into our house to poop . So , we went to our neighbour's house to complain . But the neighbours took no action against the problem . So , me and a few of my cousins went to prepare a ''trap'' for the dog .We took a bit of dog food to lure the dog into our house again . Not long after , the dog got into the house . Me and my cousins caught the dog and whacked it a few times (I know this is wrong but we were very angry and frustrated at the dog .) After that the dog never bothered us again . Yipeeeeee! <<>Yen