Five, Six, Seven Eight!

Hey people!
Today is 29 September 2009
Today we had our second dance practise in school.
Well, you see...
Our school is having sort of a dance competition,
For the standard Six people, because after UPSR we have absolutely nothing to do..haha..
Every standard 6 class must participate in this event.
Its really exciting....
We had so much fun practicing :D
By the way the dance practice was a success!

Bye for now!
Good night!
Sweet Dreams!
Dont let the bed bugs bite!

School's out !!!!!!!

Hurray ! We are having a 1 week holiday because of the Malay festive season . So totally cool . Some people went to their home town ; some people just stayed at home ; some people went totally crazy over the 'Ding Dong Chiang' as Madam Lai called it . Jen was also freaking out ..... As usual because she is the leader and every one expects alot from her .

So I went to my grand mother's house to pass the holidays . And then , my cousins came . So totally not cool . Whenever they come , some thing in the house gets broken and I get blamed for it . If they came here , they must be up to no good . When I asked them what were they doing here , they said they wanted to invite me to go fishing with them . OK , totally unexpected but I agreed .

So after we bought some worms and grasshoppers as bait , we set out to go fishing . We reached the lake and we saw plenty of people fishing there too . We were so enthusiastic that we were jumping and yelling like crazy idiots . No kidding , we might have been on tomorrow's newspapers headline . And then came to the disgusting part . The putting-bait-on-the-fishrod part . It was really disgusting , after piercing the worm , seeing the yellowish goo come out .

But other else than that , the fishing trip was quite fun . Together , we caught about 20 fishes . Cool huh ? But then all good things must come to an end . The rain just had to spoil all the fun . Well , not all of it , we had a hell of a time getting soaked through with the rain . So , my uncle's car was extremely wet . But I don't think he cared .

So that was the end of a funtastic day .

RR going to be 21!!

Royal Ranger's anniversary is next week!!
Cant wait!
Its gonna be awesome...
I am maybe going to get An award only :D
RR happy 21 Birthday!
I love you!


Yay , the UPSR examinations are finally over ! The IQ test was boring ......... Every one took about half an hour to finish it . And then in the 6I break room , every one went crazy , so happy the UPSR was finally over and like Jen wrote , every one shouted , screamed and high-fived ... stuff like that . So happy , 'Merdeka ! Merdeka ! Merdeka !' got freedom already .

Then we went back to 6I classroom to help move the chairs and tables . But when we arrived there , the guys were already done , so the girls just lepak-ed . Very bored and happy at the same time . After that , most of the people went home .

When I was on my way home , I noticed a commotion in front of the cantin . It turned out that two girls were fighting and arguing at the same time . Not a pretty scene at all . Then to make things worse , one of the girls started to cry . And she was a standard 6 girl . Not very common that you get to see a std 6 crying her head off . Then the other girl stormed off angrily . After a few minutes , the crowd dispersed . Nothing else interesting happened after that .

Any way , wish you guys and gals good luck in the UPSR !

Over Forever! Totally over! Forever and over!

Hey! Its OVER! EVerything is over!!
Hey hey hey hey! Going crazy..
Listen up! Listen up!
Well, we standard six ppl got exam... MAJOR ONE!! UPSR!!!
Well it ended.
Well, I hated the time in the exam room...
everybody done the exam, but the teacher dont let us out! can u believe that?
All my friends we like giving me the pity face....
Well the awesome part was when all of us went back to our classroom
We all went hyper! (u guys cannot imagine!)
Was like YAMMMMM------SENG!!!! So many times... Like crazy... The whole school could heard us! How awesome!
Even more awesome xD
We were like ...
How low can u go....
hahaa.. ..
This is my first time seeing all the gurls go crazy!
( Kylie! U rock gurl! ur shout was awesome... )
Hmmm...Ah Ping wasnt there.. :(
(Yen also shout... Jen... DUh!.. Soph...First time seeing her shout..)
Well everybody was crazy! i love the crazyness!

Well it is over now~~ Totally over!