Boring to Fun!!

Sry guys n gals for not posting the blog for "millions"of days.Well, maybe now that UPSR is over I get to post everyday(not actually:D).Today is a SATURDAY,I woke up at about 7'o clock(not all of you wake up at this time right?)When my mom told me I was going to an art class at 11'o clock,I jumped n jumped n screamed n..well you get the idea.I loved drawing and would love to be an art teacher when I grow up.So, I ate my roti canai took a bag n "flew"to the art class.I was happy when the teacher decided to teach me water colouring as I was very weak in that.I met an old friend who was also learning there .The teacher talked with the students in cantonese n some in chinese.Luckily I was able to understand and just nod my head to whatever they say.I went home at 1'o clock and told my parents all about the class.At least I still get to relieve my stress from the dance practice(just kiddingXD!) soph

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