Hey yal! :)
Wow. Time past really really fast! :)
Its already end of the month! :)
Well today its a Friday!
Which mean?
Today got CF Wooo!
Today CF was awesome! (As always)
Went to school really early today.
Saw Kaelynne appeared in no where.
Talked to her in the canteen...
Saw Sophia and gang.
Then off we went to CF :)
Once we reached there,
the morning session students were setting up the instruments and stuff,
saw people chilling, chit-chatting. :)
Then saw Pn. Julie coming,
Kaelynne and I was like Oh my Gosh! =)
Pn. Julie is really scary. Surprisingly in CF she seems to be superb friendly.
-A totally different person-
Pn. Julie was shaking people's hand, greeting people.
-So nice-
Then CF started.
Everyone came into the classroom.
We played ice-breaker.
Then we started worshiping and praising the Lord.
Its really amazing. I could feel God's presence there. It was just totally AWESOME!
Actually words can't really express my feelings. :)
Then It was testimony time! :)
Everyone was so quiet,
but a few people were really brave to go out and share there testimony. :-)
Then Pn. Julie came and share the bible with us.
Today's topic is 'Love makes a decision'
Well its really true,
Love do make a decision.
Jesus died on the cross not because of nails, but His LOVE for us.
Anyways, after that Pn. Julie dismiss the Form 1 + Form 2.
Then off we went for class! :) hahas

JEN <3>

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