
Hey viewers , sorry for not updating ........ Very stressed out week . Anyway , today there was this photographing competition that was brought to you by some pro photographers . They introduced everything so detailed and also this program that lets you save pictures in your com with ease.........or so I've heard . After the thrilling introduction , quite a lot of people wanted to take part .

After the rest period , all the participants went back to the auditorium to be briefed by the organisers . After that , everything was chaotic as everyone tried to snap the best picture that they could find . We had to share cameras because some people signed up on the spot . We had about 1 hour to take pictures . We ( me , Jen , Ping , Yue Xin and Ching) took quite a lot of good pictures .

After 1 hour , we went to transfer the picture that we chose for the competition to a laptop . It was really crowded because over one hundred students took part in the competition . We were satisfied with the pictures that we chose but still not sure who will win (Have to wait till next week ) . Hopefully we will at least win 1 prize from the competition .

After transferring the pictures , we had to go back to our boring lives......... Homework , homework and (wait for it....) more homework . As usual , we got tons of homework more from our class teacher . Oh well , better start on it before I doze off.........

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