Goat Slayers

Yesterday , I went to my grandmother's house to just play the computer . When I was going to reach the house , I saw about seven goats tied to a thick pole on a field . I thought the people was tying them there for fun , but how wrong was I , how was I to know that that our lives were in danger ?........ Hahahahahahaha! Just giving it a scary start thats all......... Quite hilarious actually , I don't know why . Anyway on with the story......

After that , we went to the field to find out what was the problem . We soon found out that the goats were there for slaying , followed by barbecueing and then eating . Of course , it was Indians that held this ceremony (I think Jen might interested to the word INDIANS up there). When we found out , we (only the kids ) were excited at the prospect of bloodlust and death , but the adults weren't so enthusiastic to join in the ''fun'' .

At night , we went to enjoy the ''drama'' . At exactly 12.00 a.m. , they started slaying the goats . The floor of the field was glistening with the blood of the goats and the air was full of the goats howls . Of course , the kids were quite ecstatic at the sight of blood . After that , we went back to the house to sleep loh . Every one was kind of freaked out but I don't know what was the problem..... Of course very tired so went to sleep immediately.

Today also got terrible news ! Micheal Jackson , the King of Pop is dead ! NOOOOOOOO! So let our prayers be heard : Micheal Jackson , Rest In Peace !


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