Happy children's day !

Hey , viewers ! Sorry for not updating for a long time . Any way , yesterday was children's day . And since the school didn't invite performers for us , all the std 6 people had to perform for every one to see . I thought that this was going to be so boring ....... But then , Cikgu Onn invited Amber Chia to be the judge . Then , I started to freak out . The whole class practiced everyday to win . And the day finally came ...... Our time had come to dance on stage .

Every one took their places on the stage . And just had fun dancing . When I saw Amber Chia , I almost fainted . Other else than that , it was very fun . After we went off stage , we watched other classes do their thing . After that , Amber Chia went on stage to make a speech . Then after everything ended , alot of people went to the cantin to get Amber's autograph . We waited outside the door for a long time . I finally got tired of waiting and went outside to the windows . A guy was talking on the phone there . When he saw me , he moved aside and I saw Amber Chia ! I screamed and every one came running . The guy opened the window and every one started giving Amber Chia paper to sign .

I was so excited when she took my book ! I told her to sign a few more pages for my friends and she did . I also took alot of pictures of Amber . I went back to class and gave my friends Amber Chia's autograph . Every one was so excited . Then we started enjoying the food that teacher and friends brought . Today was really fun . But too bad there is no more children's day for us next year ...... Oh well , just have to live with it .


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