Happy or Sad?

Sophia here....guess what ,I won a prize!and its just not any prize,its for the photography competition. got to tell you honestly that I am an absolutely very very very bad'' photographer''I even need my 10 year old sister to teach me how to use the camera,but don't you ever think that I am such a nerdy ok?

This is the first reason why I am happy.

Second reason,my birthday is coming the week after this week.You guys better say Happy Birthday to me or else I am going to come after you.*Actually,I am just too scared to bully all of you especially YEN!*

Now for the sad part,get ready your tissues in case you want to cry.Let me ask you one question:Who dosen't miss Hui Ping ?I do hope she comes back soon.....Excuse me,I am crying here.

A Competition

On tuesday, I participated in a BM story telling competiton. Jen and Yen said that if I forget my lines they will ''kill'' me.I was the fist participant to go on stage.When you go on stage,you will feel your hands shaking, your feet trembling and you feel like FAINTING.When I was on stage, everything was going so well when suddenly I had forgotten my lines!I stood there frighten,I was also thinking about how Jen and Yen would ''kill''me when this was over.(just joking)XD

I did my best in that competition but did not win a prize.(My Bad!)Luckily I was not ''Killed''by my besties because they were so kind and knew how I'd feel.Thanks to all my friends and teachers who encouraged me during the competition.

I would like to tell you guys that Yen is going to participate in a English story telling competition.Please shout for her if you see her on stage because this is the very first time that Yen is going on stage.CONGRATS YEN!>>>sophia


Hey viewers , sorry for not updating ........ Very stressed out week . Anyway , today there was this photographing competition that was brought to you by some pro photographers . They introduced everything so detailed and also this program that lets you save pictures in your com with ease.........or so I've heard . After the thrilling introduction , quite a lot of people wanted to take part .

After the rest period , all the participants went back to the auditorium to be briefed by the organisers . After that , everything was chaotic as everyone tried to snap the best picture that they could find . We had to share cameras because some people signed up on the spot . We had about 1 hour to take pictures . We ( me , Jen , Ping , Yue Xin and Ching) took quite a lot of good pictures .

After 1 hour , we went to transfer the picture that we chose for the competition to a laptop . It was really crowded because over one hundred students took part in the competition . We were satisfied with the pictures that we chose but still not sure who will win (Have to wait till next week ) . Hopefully we will at least win 1 prize from the competition .

After transferring the pictures , we had to go back to our boring lives......... Homework , homework and (wait for it....) more homework . As usual , we got tons of homework more from our class teacher . Oh well , better start on it before I doze off.........

Amazing Or what??

Wow! Its a long time.... Sorry for a very late update viewers!!

Today its a real miricale!

Today, my teacher gave us back our test papers... WOWO~~ Sophia got 84%, Yen got...., I ( Jen ) got 78%.. wow I was really sad when I got the testpapers... *cry * I quickly recounted the marks.


I realized that I got 80%... Woo... I quickly fly to my teacher and get back my two marks! I got an A!!! Woo HOO~~

The second miracle happened on Yen.

Today teacher also gave back KT ( Kajian Tempatan ) (something like geography) Sophia got 91%, I got 92%, Yen got 79%!!??

Soph and I asked Yen to find that one mark out !! So she kept on checking and checking...
Suddenly :" YEAH!!! FOUND THE One mark!! " Yen shouted happily... she quickly fly out and got that one mark. she got an A, hooray!!

Well its a real miracle.. Have you ever have that feeling before?

This is a note to My aunty....

Hey Aunty TamMee!
Thanks for reading our blog!!
Hope you have a nice time reading!

Swimming in 2 meters water...???!!!!

Hey viewers,
Guess what is Yen doin right now? If you guys & gurls are smart , you would know the answer...

The answer is she is Swimming in 2 meters of water.. ( You guys will know the whole story tomorrow...)