An Awesome Earth Hour Experiece

Hey! Its Jen here... wow its so hot right now...cuz my lights and fans are off.... hahaha... Well its about 9p.m. now... Just came back for shopping mall.

I wanna share something with yal! On my way back from 1U, I thought that Malaysian did not care about Mother Nature. Surprisingly, the whole housing area was almost dark!! Cant even see my fingers!!!(kidding ) haha...but it was seriously dark. I was really amazed! Halelujah! Praise the Lord!

But I also saw some houses on all their lights, that was really a sad thing!! Those people dont even care of mother nature.... *SADNESS*

Anyways... did yal off your lights? I am sure you did cuz we are Children of God. Bye for now!

60 Earth Hour

Hey viewers!
Lets take this time to be serious okay ? I want yal to think...
~Global Warming!!!
Well as you guys know, Earth is badly polluted!! Human did not care about Earth ( including me)..hahah.. erm... Human did not care about Earth, all human wants is to have a comfortable lifestyle. But did yal ever think that if....if one day Earth VANISH, where would we go next? Mars? the Sun? Venus? We cant live there cuz its not suitable for us to live there..DUH!!

So as yal know, tomorrow ( 28 March 2009 ) I repeat 28 MARCH, is EARTH HOUR!! I repeat is EARTH HOUR! All you gotta do is switch all your lights,fans,(yes fans), air-conds and everything electrical for just one hour..( take this time to enjoy the world in the dark...hahah.)

Hope yal will take part in this event. I know I will.. So do your part to SAVE the world! Malaysia boleh, we boleh,we boleh,I boleh, I boleh, U also BOLEH!!! so please do take part in this event...

Jen going Singapore. going on Thursday>>19-03-09

Hey viewers...
Wow...haven blogged since a week... BLOG!!! I missed u so much... hahaah

Well shown above.. I <<>

Happy is that I can skip school and go for a vacation!! yahoo!!! hahah.... Did I mention that now is HOLIDAY???Well its not a nice holiday for us... cuz we must go back to school and study for UPSR!!!!hahhaa... By the way 6 months to UPSR... that means...FREEDOM...hahah

Back to the story>>
I am going to Singapore for 3 days 2 nights... ( plus dont think i am rich the three of us Yen is the richest!!!) hahha.. .going on... Well now I am busy packing my bagss.... Cant wait to go...
cuz i wanna go Shopping!!!! and to the BEACH!!haha...cant wait to leave my school!!! FUYOH!!!hahaha....

Well talking about school, of course I will miss my best friends>>> Yen and Soph!!! YEN & SOPH if you are reading the this blog now... I just wanna say I will miss you gals.... I will try to buy something for you all...hahaha.....

One more thing... did you guys know that Yen is going to Singapore tomorrow too ?? awesome rite... but Yen is going later than me... but nevermind I will try to meet her in the mall somewhere... hahaha.... Did you guys know that Yen has an I-phone?? She is superb rich...and I know she is going to kill me for telling you guys how rich she is...ahhahahah......

Gotta pack now!! Dont worry viewers...I will try to get some stuff for you guys too... Muaxx:) Good night!! I'll miss you guys!!hahaha

Happy Burfday Ping!!

Hey viewers...
Today we wanna share story with u.. Well its not a story its REALITY!! haha.... going on..

Not only we are best friends we have a good and true friend. Well today( Thursday 12 March 2009) is her birthday. I am sure you guys know her... She is an awesome basketball player, perfect runner, wonderful friend...she is HUI PING!! hhahahah..

Well it all started on PE class.. we, gurls, played badminton( love this sport) while the guys play football. After playing for around 45minutes, teacher ask us to go back class to change and everything.... hahaha.. so we went back to class...

On the way back to class, Our teacher was walking behind us <<>

Jen just kept quiet... When we are going up the stairs.... Jen turned around and tell teacher that today is Hui Ping's birthday.. in a very fast speed, then Jen turned around and Jen almost tripped cuz we were going up the stairs...hahaha... Jen and Yen quickly ran up.... haha.. We grabbed our clothes and go to the stinky bathroom to change... hahhaha..

When we went back to class... our teacher was in class. Jen thought that teacher din hear what she said on the stairs. but when we settle downed... teacher requested us to sing De' birthday song to hui ping... We used the English version cuz its nicer and easier to sing... but the real reason is hui ping wants it in English version... ahhahahah


Happy Birthday Ping!

Bye for now guys... and one more thing if you see hui ping, remember to wish her a Happy birthday or happy belated birthday....

Visit to Port Dickson with family

On Saturday morning , my family and I set out to Port Dickson to chill out . By the time we reached Port Dickson , it was noon .My father had rented a house near the beach .My cousins and I were excited when we discovered the house had a swimming pool inside it(Awesome right?).We took a swim in the pool after a delicious lunch served by the house owner.

In the evening , we went to the beach to catch some fish , prawns and crabs .My cousin Brendan found a large crab . Unfortunately , he was stupid enough to touch the crab which led to a bleeding finger .

After dinner , the whole family went for a relaxing walk on the beach . It was just our luck that we saw a turtle coming ashore . My father told everybody to stay quiet ad still .As we had never seen a turtle lay eggs before , we stayed extremely still . After the turtle had dug a hole , we silently approached the turtle . My uncle took out a video camera to film the progress of the turtle laying eggs . After the turtle had finished laying eggs , it made a sandstorm that blinded everyone momentarily . We went back to the house to rest as all of us were extremely exhausted and sleepy .And my slightly crazy cousin took off his clothes and ran around naked(gross right?)which wasn't really amusing to the adults .

So , that's all for one fun day at Port Dickson . Everyone had enjoyed themselves as it was fun and the whole family was together . << Yen

Jen Went Hiking With RANGERS!!

Hey viewers.... I << Jen
Venue: Bukit Tabur,Ampang
Time left church:7.45
Time reached peck:9.45
Time reached land: 11.15 is a saturday.. but i can't sleep late.. I woke up at 6 got ready and went to church cause today i am going hiking with RANGERS!! Well as shown above, we went Bukit Tabur to hike. It is somewhere near Zoo Negara. Its a really high hill but when you are climbing it you wont feel anything.

Well the hill is very beautiful. We have to climb up and down. It was really fun climbing up and going dont wanna know xD!!!

Well we stopped many times to rest and get some more energy. While climbing up theres this really huge dam... It doesn't looks like any other river in Malysia. Its super clear and you can see the colour is blue. How AMAZING is that! We kept on climbing up... Soon we could see Genting, imagine how high is this hill. When we reached the peck we could see KLCC and KL Tower. Wow, its like i am in heaven.....

Then we went down the hill. It was really really scary.. I slipped many times, cuz my shoe no more grip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh ya! When i was climbing up Debbie accidentally hit my face with the shoe... hahahhaah.... *Ouch*!!!

We took longer time to come down, cuz u know its scary and really slippery with my no grip shoe. After we reached ground we needed to change.... You know how me change??? Some ppl sit in the van and change while the rest used towel to block the windows... I changed as fast as i could.hahaah...

After that we went to the nearby mamak stall to eat. I ate 1 and a half roti canai. ( I shared the other half with Debbie.. ) I was really hungry after the hike. Not to mention tired too... haha...

I really really liked this hiking trip. I want to go hike again!!!! Bukit Tabur, I will hike u another day! =)

Please leave a comment before u leave!

Reason of making this Blog>>>

Well the reason of making this blog.... >>

1. For Yen Ting
2.Express our feelings among each others
3.Tell the whole world that we are Besties

We made this blog for Yen cuz she is going to Singapore to study next year (2010). Well, you guys know that all mothers wants their child to have the best education in the world, So Yen's mom decided to send her there. Well I think the second reason of sending Yen there maybe is because she is too rich... hahaaa.... ( just kidding Yen!! )

Well actually this blog is mostly for Yen. Cuz when she in Singapore, she can share with us her life in Singapore and how is she doing there cuz you guys know that Yen is a good friend and we don wanna lose such a good friend... Well Yen! This whole blog is for u!!!

Well lastly we wanna tell the whole world that we are besties and no matter wat happens we are gonna be best friends forever!!!

Bye For now Guys...

Exam Over...Party!!!

Hey today is like the last day of exam that mean FREEDOM!!! but still got UPSR.. Well still gotta study... so sad rite?

Well my aim is to get 7A's...but i wont push it... I wont be like Yen so stress up when it comes to exam...hahaha...

Be right back!

Introducing De' Trio Besties

Hey viewers!!
Velcome to De' Trio Besties blog... I bet you guys out there doesn't know the meaning of Trio Besties right? Well, today is your lucky day.. We are gonna explain everything to you!

Lets go back in time....maybe around 1200BC...(haha just kidding)Well lets go on with the story. Trio Besties means.. 3 best friends or buddy. Well these three best friends are......:-

Firstly the Kind and helpful buddy is..
Name} Sophia Lee
Age} 12
Character}Kind, Helpful, Loving

Secondly the Hyper and Silliest buddy is..
Name} Jen Yee
Age} 12
Character} Hyper, Silly, Funny (sometimes also sensative)

Thirdly the Sensative and Crazy buddy is..
Name} Yen Ting
Age} 12
Character} Sensative, Crazy, Caring

Well, I guess you guys out there know who we are right ? So remember to leave a comment before you leave and always visit our blog weekly=) and our blog is dont forget!!